Quick Start


Play with the Colab notebook to transcribe your favorite song without hassles. You can also follow the installation below to enjoy Omnizart locally.


Using pip

Omnizart is under development and will be updated regularly on PyPI. Use pip to install the latest stable version.

# Install the prerequisites manually since there are some dependencies can't be
# resolved automatically.
pip install numpy Cython

# Additional system packages are required to fully use Omnizart.
sudo apt-get install libsndfile-dev fluidsynth ffmpeg

# Install Omnizart
pip install omnizart

# Then download the checkpoints
omnizart download-checkpoints

Development installation

For the development installation, clone the git repo and the installation creates a virtual environment under the directory omnizart/ by default.

# Clone the omnizart repository from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/Music-and-Culture-Technology-Lab/omnizart.git

# Install dependencies, with checkpoints automatically downloaded
cd omnizart
make install

# Install Dev dependencies, since they will not be installed by default
make install-dev


Below is an example usage of pitched instrument transcription with the command-line interface, first transcribing a piece of music and then synthesizing the results. For more details and other types of transcription, refer to Tutorial.


The example transcribes a piece of music, being monophonic or polyphonic, to a MIDI file of the transcribed pitched notes and a CSV file with more information.

omnizart music transcribe <path/to/example.wav>


Omnizart renders the transcribed MIDI file with default soundfonts, synthesizing an audio in WAV by the command below. For the first-time execution, it is expected to take a bit for downloading the free-licensed soundfonts.

omnizart synth example.mid

Auto Completion

To enable auto completion, type the following according to your environment type.

# For bash
_OMNIZART_COMPLETE=source_bash omnizart > omnizart-complete.sh

# For zsh
_OMNIZART_COMPLETE=source_zsh omnizart > omnizart-complete.sh

# Source the generated script to enable
source omnizart-complete.sh